Online Orders:
You can view the status of recent web orders by logging into your ACCOUNT.
You may also click the "Your Account" link on the homepage and click on the order number to display payment information, order total, billing and shipping address, items ordered and tracking information.
If you do not have an account, you can access your order with our ORDER INQUIRY TOOL and entering your order number, billing zip code, and billing phone number. If you provided an email address when you placed your order, we will send you an email with tracking information after it ships
Phone, Chat, & E-mail Orders
Orders placed over the phone, through chat, or by e-mail can be tracked by checking for the shipping confirmation e-mail using the e-mail address provided when placing the order with the agent. We send a shipping confirmation e-mail when the order leaves our warehouse. This e-mail will contain a link to access your tracking information.
If you opted not to provide your e-mail address during the order process, or you are finding it difficult to track your order, please CALL our Contact Center to request tracking information. You may also click HERE to create a ticket. One of our agents will research the order status and get right back with you.